Care & Maintenance of Septic Systems

06/19/2024 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM CT


  • Free  -  In-Person at CCHE
  • Free  -  Online over Zoom


Care & Maintenance of Septic Systems
June 19 | 10am-Noon | At CCHE & Zoom
Presenters & Partners: Cook County Coalition of Lake Associations (CCCoLA) & Additional Speakers

This workshop aims to help you build a solid foundation and expand your understanding of the care and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems. We'll explore topics such as the rules for septic systems in Cook County, common problems, fixes, system maintenance throughout the year, and impacts on lake health.

Resources that will be referenced: 


Cook County Coalition of Lake Associations (CCCoLA)
They are an action-oriented independent organization comprised of Cook County lake and road associations. Serving as an umbrella group, the Coalition board of directors brings together these associations to focus on issues of common interest such as promoting and implementing sound and responsible lake and shoreland management practices. Their goal is to develop an informed community of Cook County lakeshore property owners who accept responsibility for the preservation and protection of their lakes and who work actively to protect their quality.