ONLINE: Firekeeper's Daughter: Fireside Lecture & Chat with Author Angeline Boulley

10/16/2022 07:00 PM - 08:30 PM CT


  • Free


October 16
Online over Zoom

Cozy up at home on a fall Sunday night, imagine being warmed by a campfire or fireplace, and join us to learn from Angeline Boulley author of Firekeeper's Daughter. Angeline will be speaking about Firekeeper’s Daughter, an engaging story that layers present-day midwestern Native experiences, a reckoning of historical and current injustices, and a powerful celebration of community.

From the Author herself: "There simply are too few stories told by and about Indigenous girls and women, especially from a contemporary viewpoint. We exist and have dynamic experiences to share beyond history books or stories set long ago." “Everyone deserves to be seen in a story, and I think that when a young person can see themselves in a story, it changes how they view their identity, and their place in the world,” she told Soo Today reporter Josie Fiegehen in a recent article. "I have been shaped by a network of strong Anishinaabe Kwewag (Native American women), who may be called auntie, friend, cousin, or nokomis. My father is a traditional firekeeper, who strikes ceremonial fires at spiritual activities in the tribal community and ensures protocols are followed while providing cultural teachings through stories told around the fire. He is one of my greatest teachers."

She will share about her experience writing Firekeeper's Daughter and if we get lucky we will get a little bonus info about her next book Warrior Girl Unearthed to come out in May 2023.

Don't miss out on your chance to hear from New York Times best-selling author Angeline Boulley as she speaks to the Cook County Community - bring your questions!
Author: Angeline Boulley, an enrolled member of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians is a storyteller who writes about her Ojibwe community in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. She is a former Director of the Office of Indian Education at the U.S. Department of Education. Angeline lives in southwest Michigan, but her home will always be on Sugar Island. Her book Firekeeper's Daughter will be coming out on Netflix in the near future. 

This valued event is in partnership with Grand Marais Public Library. 

Cook County Community September and October Read Events: 

The book Firekeeper's Daughter is available at Grand Marais Public Library and at Drury Lane.